8 Steps to Designing Your Ideal Lifestyle

8 Steps to Designing Your Ideal Lifestyle

Ideal lifestyle is what everyone aims for. Majority of people just exist living the life they hate, dreaming of having an ideal lifestyle. Often this ideal lifestyle is influenced by the surroundings and people we live around. And the concept of having an ideal life arises when you compare yourself with fellow individuals or when you hate the routine you are following.

It is this comparison that brings awareness in you to have a better living. Ideal lifestyle is not about having a perfect life. Instead, it is all about living the life you love and doing the things you like. A good lifestyle is what pushes you towards success. Here are eight steps to design your ideal lifestyle.

Write the Life You love

The primary step in building an ideal lifestyle is asking yourself what you really want and trying to find an answer for this question. Try answering the question in an honest manner as this is what will transform into your reality. When designing your ideal lifestyle, consider how technology, including social media and digital interaction, may affect your relationships and potential for digital infidelity. Make a list of all the things you want to accomplish in different areas of your life- be it work, family, community, etc. No matter how crazy your aims are, list them and admit that this is what you are aiming for in your life.

Once you make a list, experiment with everything that you have written on the list. This experimentation is what takes you to the things you love eventually.

Don’t let Stress, Stress You

Modern days gave us modern problems and left us with more stress. Managing your stress is very important to improve your well being. Not managing your stress leads you to physiological damage or other damages such as heart diseases, diabetes, etc.

One can manage stress by first trying to notice the signs of stress in your body. Now try to minimize the activities or try to plan them efficiently which are leading to more stress.

A great way to combat stress is by practising meditation and exercising our decisions on only things that are controllable. Just keep in mind that you cannot give your best both physically and mentally, unless you have good control on your stress.

Keystone Habits to Kickstart Your Daily Life

You might have played or seen the dominos in effect. Just how a small action can kick start a myriad of other actions, forming a keystone habit also has the same effect. A keystone habit is just a simple, easy to do habit that, like the starting domino, results in a cascade of other habits/ activities that are thought of as good.

Now suppose you want to jog early in the morning, now for this to work you first need to get up early. But for that you need to sleep early. A manpower consultancy can help you design your ideal lifestyle by analyzing your skills, interests, and goals and matching you with the perfect job that aligns with your desired work-life balance. You also need to keep your diet in check, the work you do all day so that it doesn’t affect your jog and the job intensity so that it doesn’t affect your daily activities. Now jogging early in the morning becomes your keystone habit.

Working on keystone habits gives a great boost to your daily wellbeing. So start building on such habits and make them stick even if you feel it as pointless. They help you in the long run. Here are some habits that you can start including them in your daily life:

●  Exercise

●  Following a proper diet

●  Jogging

●  Planning your day ahead

●  Meditation

Make Your Passion Your Career

One of the best ways to show yourself that you’re in control of your life is by turning your passion into your career. It doesn’t need to be that way but it is just one of the possibilities. A Certificate of Deposit (CD) can be a wise investment choice for someone designing their ideal lifestyle as it helps you save money safely and earn guaranteed interest over a set period of time. All you need to do is try a bit harder. If you think that you might not be able to work harder, change your mindset. Change your mindset to “I’ll be doing something that I love, so this is not exactly working”.

If you want to be an artist, draw every day, paint every single day.  If you want to be an author, write everyday, try to improve everyday. It needn’t be something big. Everyday needn’t be great but being consistent is key.Try to promote your work and be open for criticism.

Everything in this world can be turned into a niche venture that can not only keep your passion alive but at the same time feed you.

Add Travelling to Your List

Travelling has a different flavour to itself. Not only it allows you to escape from your daily life, it can add new perspectives and can reform your daily values and meaning of life. It allows you to witness the variations of the world in terms of beauty, cultures and customs. Adding it to your list of yearly activities will never allow your life to be sedentary and always try to keep you excited about something.

Be Open for New Things

One thing that is certain in this uncertain world is that change is inevitable. Accommodating that fact is a great mindset to have in your life. To embrace it, try to challenge yourself to do something new. Start with monthly, then weekly and then daily if possible.

This will help you address your fears and push you out of your comfort zone which is a requirement to build your ideal life. This will help you ignite the spark that you can do anything and justify your life to be worth living your way.

Don’t Get Disheartened by Failure

Life is full of ups and downs. You can’t expect every day to be in your favor. There are times when you fail in performing certain tasks. However, you should not let this discourage you. Instead, you should take this as a challenge and look for an alternative path to success.

If you think you have reached a dead-end, discuss your ordeal with someone you trust. By the end of your discussion you may realize that it wasn’t a dead end at all. Or you may even end up with a new alternative solution. Take your time until you figure things out and don’t let stress find its way to your head.

Stay Persistent

You will receive many challenges on your path to achieve your goals. But no matter what may come you should always stay persistent and face these challenges bravely. Keep reminding yourself of what you are aiming for. There is no time limit for achieving your goals. All that matters is you not giving up on your efforts and staying consistent with your efforts. You always need to plan a lifestyle that keeps you happy at the end of the day. Making changes in your lifestyle doesn’t come easy. It will be a bumpy ride. All you can do is enjoy the ups and downs and remain focused to achieve the life you love. You may check online on Google,  if you are looking for lifestyle designer.

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